Tuesday, 20 May 2014

A Reminder from Your Ajax Dentist: April is National Oral Health Month

"When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, preventive dental care is the smart choice. Brushing and flossing daily keeps your teeth looking and feeling clean. A healthy diet keeps your teeth and gums—including your whole body—in good shape. Routine dental exams and regular cleanings can help prevent higher-cost dental treatments in the future, which may include root canals, fillings, extractions, and periodontal surgery. During National Oral Health Month, people are reminded of the importance of oral care. It is important to realize that your teeth not only allow you to speak and eat, they also provide the framework for your face. So don’t forget your dental duties and visit a trusted Ajax dental office like Brockington Dental regularly for strong, healthy teeth that lasts a lifetime."

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that April was oral health month. I don't really think there's one time or another that's better for getting dental check ups and having work done. That being said, if it serves as a reminder for people to go to the dentist, by all means, they should go. http://www.durhamdental.ca/
