Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Knocked-Out Tooth First Aid Tips before Visiting a Pickering Dentist

When you carefully reintroduce the tooth into the socket, you will notice that it doesn’t fit as snugly as it used to. Slowly bite down (remember to hold a gauze or moistened tea bag over the tooth) to help keep it steady. The sooner this is done, the better the chances that the tooth can be saved. After replanting the tooth, it must be held in place and be taken to a nearby emergency dentist in Pickering for prompt medical action. Seeking one within half an hour is critical to saving the tooth.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Smoking: Your Dentist in Pickering Tirelessly Warns of its Dangers

The condition connected to this is called peri-implantitis, characterized by inflammation of the immediate area around the implants. Peri-implantitis due to smoking is one of the reasons why several implants fail in the long run. Cigarette smoking is bad for the mouth, and there’s no way around it if you are to preserve your oral health. While the dental complications might be alleviated by a skilled dentist in Pickering from clinics such as Brockington Dental Centre, it is still much better to prevent them from ever occurring by saying no to smoking entirely.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Foods that Get you to your Ajax Dental Clinic for Frequent Dental Fix

Soda – Like sweets, the amount of dental damage sodas can do is pretty straightforward. The acids found in carbonated soft drinks actually harm the teeth even more than sugar, and diet variations of these drinks are no exception. There are a whole lot more teeth-damaging substances to avoid in excess, but these aforementioned ones are among the top culprits. Should you recognize the harm that these foods have wrought on your teeth and gums, consult with a skilled dentist in Ajax as soon as possible to have him or her help undo the damage.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Pickering Dental Facts: How Dental Plaque Threatens your Oral Health

Life in Durham Region or anywhere else can be miserable if you have to live each day suffering from dental health problems, among them dental plaque that is slowly building into full-blown gum disease, spreading bacteria not only in your mouth, but also throughout the rest of your body. This is why reliable Pickering dental professionals, such as the team from Brockington Dental Centre, recommend regular visits to your dentist along with proper oral hygiene practices.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

A Reason to Visit your Pickering Dentist: Signs of Celiac Disease

The studies that attribute dental problems to celiac disease find that certain enamel defects such as permanent dentition, tooth discoloration, poor enamel formation and even the development of mottled teeth could stem from the disease. Of course, this means that not all defects can be blamed on celiac problems. Dental Treatments Dental problems that stem from celiac disease are more or less permanent, and cannot be reversed, even if you adopt a gluten-free diet. Thankfully, what could work on the other hand are treatments from reliable dentists in Pickering. Practices like Brockington Dental Centre will have treatments like bonding, veneers, and a host of other cosmetic dentistry solutions.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Facts your Pickering Dentist should tell You: Gum Disease and Health

When it comes to oral hygiene, your teeth are just one part of the scenario: protecting periodontal or gum health should be an important factor in how people from places like South Ontario care for their dental health. This is because, as your trusted dentist in Pickering would surely tell you, the bacteria that develops as a result of gum disease affect so much more than just your smile. Gingivitis The earliest stage of gum disease is referred to as gingivitis, wherein bacteria from plaque causes the gums to become inflamed. If left untreated, this could lead to the growth of ‘pockets’ in between the gum surface and the tooth and bone within. These pockets then serve as a cradle for bacteria to permeate and infect the teeth—this infection doesn’t just stay in the gums, though.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Ajax Dental Clinics Ready to Help Restore Damaged Teeth Back to Normal

While others are fortunate that they have finally broken free of the death grip that these drugs have on their lives, they still would have to deal with the repercussions it made on their teeth. For those who wish to have correction procedures done, Ajax dental clinics offer treatments such inlays and onlays for aesthetics restoration. They offer porcelain and gold tooth replacements for damaged ones to cater individual preferences. It’s never too late to put one’s life back together. Battling against drug abuse can be a tough ride, and so it’s best to reward yourself by visiting the nearest Ajax dentist to help you bring back a smile in your face.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Take a trip to a Pickering Dental Office for Wisdom Teeth Removal

"Pickering dental practice includes a thorough teeth and gum inspection to know what procedure is most suitable. Let the doctor provide clarification and information to know more about what you’re about to undergo. Lastly, take note of the medications needed and follow-up on checkups if suggested. Visiting trusted Pickering dental office can save you from resorting to developing life-threatening conditions."

Friday, 8 August 2014

Pickering Emergency Dentist: Hockey and Teeth Just Don’t Mix Well

Fortunately, your child can avoid having a tooth or two knocked loose by wearing a mouth guard. You can ask a trusted Pickering dentist to take an impression of your child’s teeth, which you then bring to a service that fashions custom mouth guards. If your dentist doesn’t offer this service, ask where you can purchase a boil-and-bite mouth guard. Your dentist can also teach you and your child how to determine if a particular mouth guard offers proper protection. Of course, even the sturdiest mouth guard cannot claim to 100 percent protect your child from a dental injury. If your child loses a tooth while playing, immediately pick up the tooth by the crown (chewing surface) and rinse it with water if dirty. Afterward, place the tooth in a container with milk and see a Pickering emergency dentist.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Seeing a Pickering Dentist and Other Ways to Prevent Cavities in Kids

Make sure that the toothpaste your child uses is fluoridated. Fluoride is an important element that triggers remineralisation, or the process that helps enamel “re-harden”. You can also ask your child’s dentist to see if your child will benefit from taking fluoride supplements. Seek immediate treatment The moment your child complains of a toothache, take him or her to see a dentist in Pickering, Ontario as soon as possible. Waiting to see if the toothache disappears is a decision that often backfires. Early treatment allows your child’s dentist to prevent decay from reaching the dental pulp and keep the tooth clean and healthy.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Looking out for your Gums through a Reputable Ajax Dental Practice

Gum disease in seniors warrants further attention because it is a risk factor for more serious illnesses. Diabetics, for instance, stand a greater risk of higher blood sugar levels and weaker insulin effects. A reputable dentist in Ajax such as Brockington Dental’s Dr. Brassel Paul Grebael can perform a number of procedures to stop the advancement of periodontal disease. One method, scaling, is painless and involves taking away hard tartar deposits on the teeth enamel. Periowave™ laser devices are also safe in treating instances of periodontitis.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Take your Kid with Braces to a Pickering Child Dental Practitioner

A consultation with a child dentist will help determine the level of malocclusions and the appropriate solutions. The materials to be used in planning the orthodontic treatment will include X-ray images and a cast of the patient’s teeth. However, you must guide your child on what to do during braces installation, as the dentist may recommend extracting at least one tooth to free up space for the braces. Quality dentistry for kids in Pickering will not be a problem when you have a practice like Brockington Dental attending to your child’s oral needs. Orthodontics may be a hard road, but the benefits will be worth it.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Answer to Dental Fears: Sedation Dentistry by an Ajax Dental Practice

However, these same patients understand that going to a dental practice will reap benefits for them, as it can prevent the development of gum disease and stop tooth loss. A complete set of whites is an important asset today, so keeping them healthy is an important habit to acquire. Patients who understand the benefits of a dental checkup, but are still struck by a strong case of dental fear, should request a trusted Ajax dentist for sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry, offered by good practices like Brockington Dental Centre, can help make the entire dental process less painful and cheaper, as the patient can sit on the chair for a longer amount of time without feeling uncomfortable.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Stop Perilous Diseases with the Help of a Trusted Dentist in Pickering

The statistics came from investigators of the ORAL Diseases in hemodialysis, a study that reviews the oral history of adult patients on long-term hemodialysis at outpatient clinics in Europe and South America. The results of this study provides more reasons for every person in the Greater Toronto Area to check with a reliable dentist in Pickering. There are different causes for various dental problems: a diet high in sugary foods will eventually lead to tooth carries. Lifestyle choices, such as using the teeth as tools and smoking can also cause adverse effects to any individual’s set of choppers.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

On Dental Phobia and Sedation: How a Pickering Dentist Calms Patients

The so-called fear of the dentist may have been brought by negative images of a dentist’s role on film or by the sight of another patient being worked on in the dental chair. Whatever the reason, dental phobia is a real and serious condition. Patients in the City of Pickering, for example, who are suffering from a severe case of dental phobia cannot be forced to undergo dental treatment without allowing them to relax first. An understanding practitioner from a Pickering dental office like Brockington Dental Centre can help such patients survive dental treatments without panicking. A certified dentist will most likely recommend dental sedation, a class of procedures designed to make you relax for the duration of the appointment. There are three ways sedation can be applied on a patient. The most popular procedure is nitrous gas (laughing gas) inhalation. The patients are made to breathe in the gas from a nearby tank while the treatment is ongoing, giving patients a sense of euphoria.

Friday, 25 July 2014

How a Reliable Pickering Dentist Can Address Seniors’ Dental Woes

The 2011 national census (the latest official statistics published) already pegged the number of people over 65 years of age in Canada at around five million, with roughly two million Ontarians among them. With the number of seniors potentially increasing in the future, the need for health services, including oral health, can never be overemphasized. Elderly citizens who have dental concerns should schedule a visit with a credible Pickering dentist in trusted practices like Brockington Dental Centre. Tooth loss is a problem in Canada, with at least one million people losing most of their natural teeth by the time they’re in the 60s. Being fitted with dentures is a common solution for partial or full tooth loss, also known as edentulism.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

3 Important Signs to Visit a Reliable Emergency Dentist in Pickering

Canker sores are small ulcers in the mouth, often resulting in eating difficulties. These typically disappear in about a week or two without much effort, although an antimicrobial mouth rinse is highly recommended. However, sores that don’t heal as easily can be an indication of a serious problem, especially if they are accompanied by numbness, bleeding, discoloration, and lumps.

Regular dental visits and teeth cleaning services are necessary for optimum dental health. However, there are dental problems that require immediate attention and care from reliable emergency dentists like Dr. Haleh Ashkevari D.D.S of Brockington Dental Centre.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Stained Teeth? Teeth Whitening by a Pickering Dentist to the Rescue

A qualified dentist in Pickering like Dr. Haleh Ashkevari, D.D.S of Brockington Dental Centre offers the most advanced teeth whitening services to restore a patient’s smile. One innovative system that effectively removes stains and discoloration is ZOOM, where a whitening gel is applied and then activated by a special curling light. ZOOM’s effects are immediately visible and can last as long as two years, something that can’t be said of ancient teeth whitening methods.

A visit to the dentist is also important for some people who may have problems that are beyond cosmetic, like bleeding gums and infected dental pulp. In these instances, it will be foolish for them to rely on natural remedies as these won’t make adequate solutions. Dental professionals are the only ones who can formulate the right treatment plan to properly address such issues.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Ajax Dental Service Can Stop Deterioration of Teeth among Baby Boomers

Canada’s elderly population is certainly growing, with the seniors of Charlottetown– Prince Edward Island’s largest city– comprising 17.4 percent of the city’s entire population. Cavities may be more prevalent among the older people of today, as they were not exposed to fluoride-enriched water growing up. Receding gum tissue is another problem they will have to deal with.

These are is why it is important for the golden agers of the Greater Toronto Area to consult a reliable dentist in Ajax to look after their teeth. Dental injuries usually do not become painful until the injury has advanced far enough. A reputable practice like Brockington Dental Centre can identify these problems and prevent the problem from aggravating.

Friday, 23 May 2014

A Pickering Dental Service will Protect Children’s Teeth from Decay

Taking your children to a good dental practice is important, as the young are extremely vulnerable to dental problems. One of the first problems that they encounter early on is baby bottle tooth decay, where a baby’s tooth is in frequent contact with sugars from liquid carbohydrates. Early tooth loss is another problem that children without proper dental regimens may face.

These are just some of the reasons why it is important for parents in the Greater Toronto Area to take their children to a practice that offers effective dentistry for kids in Pickering. Practices like Brockington Dental Centre can help parents protect their child’s teeth. Moreover, good dental habits started in childhood can actually help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke into adulthood.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

A Reminder from Your Ajax Dentist: April is National Oral Health Month

"When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, preventive dental care is the smart choice. Brushing and flossing daily keeps your teeth looking and feeling clean. A healthy diet keeps your teeth and gums—including your whole body—in good shape. Routine dental exams and regular cleanings can help prevent higher-cost dental treatments in the future, which may include root canals, fillings, extractions, and periodontal surgery. During National Oral Health Month, people are reminded of the importance of oral care. It is important to realize that your teeth not only allow you to speak and eat, they also provide the framework for your face. So don’t forget your dental duties and visit a trusted Ajax dental office like Brockington Dental regularly for strong, healthy teeth that lasts a lifetime."

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Wisdom Teeth: When to Visit a Dentist in Pickering for Extraction

"Newey’s article emphasizes the importance of visiting a dentist regularly. A regimen of regular dental check-ups early on will easily determine whether the growth of your wisdom teeth will pose a problem or not. If the teeth are properly developing, they will grow and fit snugly along other adjacent teeth, and will exhibit no signs of disease or cavities. With normal growth, there is no need for any extraction procedure at all. However, in the instance that a wisdom tooth is impacted, removal may be necessary. Impacted wisdom teeth are those that do not erupt through the gums, primarily because the adjacent teeth are preventing them from erupting completely. It is estimated that nine out of ten individuals have one or more impacted wisdom teeth. If you believe there’s a problem with the placement, condition, or status of your wisdom teeth, be sure to consult with a reliable dentist in Pickering—like the dental team from Brockington Dental—immediately."

Friday, 16 May 2014

Should you Visit your Dentist in Pickering during your Pregnancy?

"Cleanings You shouldn’t have anything to worry about regular dental cleanings; it’s recommended that you get your teeth cleaned at least once every six months, so that’s at least one time during your pregnancy. However, dentists like those at the Brockington Dental Centre might recommend more frequent visits if you have a risk of periodontal disease. Don’t underestimate or neglect the importance of Pickering dental services when you’re pregnant. During this challenging time, you should take every help you can get when it comes to ensuring your own health and that of your baby."

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Facts about Going to your Pickering Dentist: Wisdom Tooth Extraction

"Sedation You should note that you will be under dental sedation (often via a local anesthetic) whenever you have a wisdom tooth removed, so it’s best to prepare for it, preferably by bringing along someone who can drive you home after the procedure. The sedative serves to help you relax so you aren’t tense or anxious throughout the treatment, which could complicate matters. If you’re planning on undergoing a dental treatment, such as a wisdom tooth extraction, make it a point to ask your dentist as many questions about what to expect. Ask for some recovery tips, as well. The same goes when you need to see an emergency dentist in Pickering, like those at the Brockington Dental Centre for a chipped tooth or something similar."